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Thursday, May 27, 2021


Union /Management Cooperation Meeting         05/20/2021

Attending – Scott, Ona, Aimee   LeNora, Taylor W, Mattie


·       Flex transfer has been pushed back - possibly July 1st Ona should be sending something out

·       SO console – good discussion about console being smaller, training, volume 

o   B shift likes it there – give feedback to supervisors on pros / cons

o   Stay flexible it can be moved for training or when necessary but should be its main location for now

·       Ground rules for the meetings – reviewed be respectful and sticking to facts

·       Management should be putting time in Telestaff when gone for the day

o   ie vacation, sick time etc.

o   their individual meetings will be maintained in their outlook calendars

·       there are some new chairs on order in 3 different sizes s,m,l    

·       Funeral Leave – had long discussion on if it was part of the 80 hours of sick time considered excessive use.   See me or Taylor if you have questions.   Management is counting it as part of excessive leave but advised no action taken for 1 year over.   They look at whole picture and if there were extenuating circumstances and if there is a pattern.  



Union Meetings were held.   This information was discussed.   See me if you have questions or concerns. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Union Meeting 03/23/2021


Union Meeting 03/23/2021

Attended – Giles, Wegner, Hoffman, Peck, Kennerly

·        OC /Meetings

o   Currently employees have to get OC time covered if during a meeting

o   Why are we not allowed to keep OC time and leave meeting if called

o   Was told by Ona can’t be paid under 2 codes at the same time

§  But on holidays paid 2 different codes

o   Explain in-service make up session

§  What are criteria that have to be made up

§  What criteria to attend make up session instead of In-Service

·        AVL – still not user friendly

o   Put a bandaid on the problem instead of solving the issue

o   When PD adds call types it adds more slots to be cancelled

§  One call had 27 slots to cancel

§  Is sfpd being used to track how many slots have to be cancelled

o   SFPD sgts not following up on units jumping calls

§  Call jumping creates more work and frustration when dispatchers follow avl instead of what they new officers would end up doing anyway

o   Does not following AVL arise to insubordination

o   Concern with summer coming and workloads being heavier that AVL makes job harder, less efficient, and more room for errors /mistakes

·        Scanning documents        

o   Time consuming

o   Only makes sense if tows emailed

o   When scanned in goes to records – so saved on their server

o   Was B shift testing it ?  or everyone ?

o   Are supervisors passing on concerns ?


Union Meeting 03/27/2021

No attendance