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Thursday, May 27, 2021


Union /Management Cooperation Meeting         05/20/2021

Attending – Scott, Ona, Aimee   LeNora, Taylor W, Mattie


·       Flex transfer has been pushed back - possibly July 1st Ona should be sending something out

·       SO console – good discussion about console being smaller, training, volume 

o   B shift likes it there – give feedback to supervisors on pros / cons

o   Stay flexible it can be moved for training or when necessary but should be its main location for now

·       Ground rules for the meetings – reviewed be respectful and sticking to facts

·       Management should be putting time in Telestaff when gone for the day

o   ie vacation, sick time etc.

o   their individual meetings will be maintained in their outlook calendars

·       there are some new chairs on order in 3 different sizes s,m,l    

·       Funeral Leave – had long discussion on if it was part of the 80 hours of sick time considered excessive use.   See me or Taylor if you have questions.   Management is counting it as part of excessive leave but advised no action taken for 1 year over.   They look at whole picture and if there were extenuating circumstances and if there is a pattern.  



Union Meetings were held.   This information was discussed.   See me if you have questions or concerns. 

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Union Meeting 03/23/2021


Union Meeting 03/23/2021

Attended – Giles, Wegner, Hoffman, Peck, Kennerly

·        OC /Meetings

o   Currently employees have to get OC time covered if during a meeting

o   Why are we not allowed to keep OC time and leave meeting if called

o   Was told by Ona can’t be paid under 2 codes at the same time

§  But on holidays paid 2 different codes

o   Explain in-service make up session

§  What are criteria that have to be made up

§  What criteria to attend make up session instead of In-Service

·        AVL – still not user friendly

o   Put a bandaid on the problem instead of solving the issue

o   When PD adds call types it adds more slots to be cancelled

§  One call had 27 slots to cancel

§  Is sfpd being used to track how many slots have to be cancelled

o   SFPD sgts not following up on units jumping calls

§  Call jumping creates more work and frustration when dispatchers follow avl instead of what they new officers would end up doing anyway

o   Does not following AVL arise to insubordination

o   Concern with summer coming and workloads being heavier that AVL makes job harder, less efficient, and more room for errors /mistakes

·        Scanning documents        

o   Time consuming

o   Only makes sense if tows emailed

o   When scanned in goes to records – so saved on their server

o   Was B shift testing it ?  or everyone ?

o   Are supervisors passing on concerns ?


Union Meeting 03/27/2021

No attendance

Monday, December 31, 2018

Union/Management Meeting 12/28/2018

Union / Management Meeting 12/28/2018 
Present: Paul, Jesseca, LeNora, Jared, Kooper (Council Union Rep)
Paul met with Metro Management Council

·         Discussed being a standalone agency and sustainability

o   Challenges going forward

§  Health Insurance

·         Smaller pool

·         High deductible plans

·         Health insurance is part of recruitment / retention

§  Financially

·         Can Metro afford to standalone

§  Redundancy – do not have these areas covered

·         Human Resources

·         IT

o   Went Standalone with intention of regionalization

o   Is it still practical and fiscal

When we went standalone – City Attorney had said that it was illegal to go under city insurance

Metro Council – city/county will look into ways to handle the above challenges and check legality of shared resources for insurance, HR, IT.    What other resources can be shared?   What are pros / cons of being standalone, going under city, going under county?   The will be holding off on picking a director until some of these issues can be addressed hopefully in next couple of weeks.  

During the time without a director – hopefully short

·         Jesseca will be interim director – day to day operations

·         Michelle Boyd  will be executive coordinator /liaison for Metro

o   Zurker issues – she has already been helping w/ that 

o   Building issues – she has experience building 2 jails and working w/ architects

o   If Jess has questions she has someone to go to


Vacation time

·         Jesseca has been thru first 2 weeks of January

·         Tim Schleis will be helping work on vacation spots starting in 3rd week in January

·         If you have vacation time send Jesseca an email with dates -  they are working on different ways to get time covered.  Including temp employees, management, recruits independent days, and another other ways possible

·         Need to communicate vacation needs - If you have something priority that requires purchase let Jesseca now. Jesseca is very dedicated in getting it covered and is working hard.
(With that being said, please let Jared know if you any Vacation Shift Bid is turned down - Jared and Kooper would like to look at it. - Jared)

New hires

·         Posting closed yesterday

·         Changes to process

o   Additions to written test to include some multi-tasking

o   No longer doing BPads added a phone interview (not permanent change trying it out)  

o   Citizens Academy is now a requirement

Friday, July 20, 2018

Union Cooperation meeting 07 18 2018

Resolving staffing issues

·         Hiring and training – for 2019 down 10 people.   -7 for staff -2 for over hire -1 for 2019
o   Will start new group of 4 on 7/23/18 will train on calls and data only.   Then if pass BOE on their own on the floor 10/08 as full person to count towards staffing.   Only able to sit calls or data no breaks.  Going to Pierre Sept 24th. 
o   Will hire again for class to start 9/24/18.   Same thing train on calls and data and then BOE and on own on floor 11/26/18.    Once they are on floor 1st group will go back to class room to finish training.   This group will go to Pierre in February.  
o   Open to ideas for recruitment.   Please forward any ideas.  

·         Zuercher -  release in August of same changes and more in October
o   Slots issue should be in October

·         Schedule -  will remain the same for 2019 for hours and shifts
o   Will try and get shift bid started late Oct early Nov – similar to last year

·         Promotions
o   Interviews will be 7/27  and 7/30 – hoping to have decision on 7/30
o   Hiring 1 supervisor and 1  ACO   - unless supervisor is a ACO then will hire 2 ACO’s
o   There will be some movement of staff but waiting to see who is promoted before start moving people.   As promotions may create more movement. 

·         Trade time – management wanted a reminder sent to members about trade time.
o   Concerned about staff working more than the 50% allowed and not having 8 hours off in between shifts.   Make sure you are following guidelines in the contract.  

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Cooperation Meeting 05/17/2018

Union meeting w/ Management 5/17/18
Attended by Ona Reker, Jesseca Mundahl, LeNora Giles, and Jared Hoffman
      Jesseca started meeting by saying they wanted to get back in habit of touching base with union.
o   Discussed having meetings more regularly.   If you have any concerns you want brought forward be sure to tell me or Jared. 
      Breaks during in-service
o   A member had brought forward a concern as we didn’t get a break during last in-service
§  Especially if working shift could be a long time with no break
o   If ever need to go to bathroom / or stand up by all means get up and go
o   Some other items discussed were taking a full 15 min break and in-service would start 1415 hours.     On shift would be paid for full 2 hours.    RDO – wouldn’t have to be to in-service till 1415 and would only be paid for 1.75 hours.  
o   Other options discussed were taking a shorter break in middle of in-service.  
o   Good discussion and agreed that the intent was to give a break either prior to or during in-service.  
o   Management also asked about having more in-services.   To make sure to have enough time for training and different speakers.   We expressed concern of more in-services causing more time on calendar to be blocked for vacation.   We requested that no other time be blocked for vacation.    In-service could be scheduled without blocking time.  
            Other topics
o   Management was waiting on election of new mayor and new commissioners (one will be new to the Metro board)
o   Ona will send out update on hiring process - had large number of applicants. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

April Meeting Minutes

Union Meeting Minutes
Thursday May 5, 2018 / Friday May 6, 2018
Attended by Giles, Morrow, Oliver and Brown on 5th
Attended by Giles, Hoffman, Wegner on 6th       

·         Copies of union contract were passed out
o   Please make notes throughout term of contract of changes you would like to see
o   We want to have meeting prior to next negotiation with some clear goals of what we want/ what we will ask for / what we will accept
o   Insurance was brought up – that can be negotiated into contract to have someone on insurance committee to have input and work with management
§  Need to make sure if we put it in place that people will follow thru
·         Cooperation Meeting w/management can be requested at any time
o   If you have issues bring them forward with the solution ideas and results sought
·         Questions brought up during meeting
o   Can we have a member on Metro  Management
§  That would have to added in thru negotiations
o   Can we have Mayor candidates come in to metro 
§  With election on Tuesday this is short notice
§  Other options would be that we look at having new elected mayor come in for visit
§  Union had forum in March for the candidates to answer ?’s.  Kooper will be sure next time we are aware of when this occurs.    They will invite candidates in before November election. 
·         During forum Union asked all the candidates to sign a pledge supporting workers and workers issues.   All of mayor candidates agreed but Union chose to support Kenny Anderson.  (Mike Gunn and Paul TenHaken were not in attendance)
o   While all agreed to sign the pledge, Kenny is only candidate from workers background.   Others all come from business owner background as opposed to worker background. 
·         Janet Brekke and John Paulson refused to sign pledge (council member at large A)
·         Union endorsed Nick Weiland (council member at large B)
·         Union endorsed Kurt Soehl (council member for central district)
o   Can we have 3 meetings –
§  Not opposed to 3 meetings as long as people are attending
§  Noa offered to host meeting after his shift at his home and provide beverages
§  Meeting can be held anywhere if have other suggestions bring them forward   
§  Date not yet set for next meeting
o   Other group discussion to have Union sponsor more events than just NTW
§  Noa will be donating a Soda stream in name of union
·         Union will vote on budget to buy flavors for the stream
§  Discussed helping with a meal couple times a year
·         Discussion was for July 4th (my birthday but not my idea) and Christmas
·         Member Morrow will reach out make contact with Star Committee to see if they are interested in a collaboration.   Will wait to hear back from them and vote from there on action to take.   
o   Discussed having a member on the labor council.   Union would cover the dues.   Those showing interest were Craig Sanchez, Jared Hoffman, and Taylor Wegner.   A vote will be held to approve paying dues and then depending on if more parties interested we would have 2 people and 2 alternates.   

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


AFSCME 3516 
Metro Communications

Union Members,

A Few items we need to take care of that can’t wait till the next meeting.  

#1  As a Union we have donated funds in the past to NTW.   Last year we donated 450.00.  
I propose we do the same this year and donate 450.00 to NTW.   Please respond with a yes or no so we can move forward on this.  

#2 Please welcome new Union Members !!!
·         Jason Harris
·         Ashley Brown
·         Jon Christopherson
·         Victoria Snyder

WE are super happy they have joined our group.    The office is currently out of new member packets but should be getting more in.    I will get them to you as soon as I can.    For old members these are new so if you would like one please let me know.

#3 I am in need of a volunteer to assist on the Merger Committee.   Time commitment would be 1-2 hours once a month.   I do not yet know when meetings would be.   Please let myself or Jared know if you are interested.     
