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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Union Meeting 03/23/2021


Union Meeting 03/23/2021

Attended – Giles, Wegner, Hoffman, Peck, Kennerly

·        OC /Meetings

o   Currently employees have to get OC time covered if during a meeting

o   Why are we not allowed to keep OC time and leave meeting if called

o   Was told by Ona can’t be paid under 2 codes at the same time

§  But on holidays paid 2 different codes

o   Explain in-service make up session

§  What are criteria that have to be made up

§  What criteria to attend make up session instead of In-Service

·        AVL – still not user friendly

o   Put a bandaid on the problem instead of solving the issue

o   When PD adds call types it adds more slots to be cancelled

§  One call had 27 slots to cancel

§  Is sfpd being used to track how many slots have to be cancelled

o   SFPD sgts not following up on units jumping calls

§  Call jumping creates more work and frustration when dispatchers follow avl instead of what they new officers would end up doing anyway

o   Does not following AVL arise to insubordination

o   Concern with summer coming and workloads being heavier that AVL makes job harder, less efficient, and more room for errors /mistakes

·        Scanning documents        

o   Time consuming

o   Only makes sense if tows emailed

o   When scanned in goes to records – so saved on their server

o   Was B shift testing it ?  or everyone ?

o   Are supervisors passing on concerns ?


Union Meeting 03/27/2021

No attendance