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Monday, December 31, 2018

Union/Management Meeting 12/28/2018

Union / Management Meeting 12/28/2018 
Present: Paul, Jesseca, LeNora, Jared, Kooper (Council Union Rep)
Paul met with Metro Management Council

·         Discussed being a standalone agency and sustainability

o   Challenges going forward

§  Health Insurance

·         Smaller pool

·         High deductible plans

·         Health insurance is part of recruitment / retention

§  Financially

·         Can Metro afford to standalone

§  Redundancy – do not have these areas covered

·         Human Resources

·         IT

o   Went Standalone with intention of regionalization

o   Is it still practical and fiscal

When we went standalone – City Attorney had said that it was illegal to go under city insurance

Metro Council – city/county will look into ways to handle the above challenges and check legality of shared resources for insurance, HR, IT.    What other resources can be shared?   What are pros / cons of being standalone, going under city, going under county?   The will be holding off on picking a director until some of these issues can be addressed hopefully in next couple of weeks.  

During the time without a director – hopefully short

·         Jesseca will be interim director – day to day operations

·         Michelle Boyd  will be executive coordinator /liaison for Metro

o   Zurker issues – she has already been helping w/ that 

o   Building issues – she has experience building 2 jails and working w/ architects

o   If Jess has questions she has someone to go to


Vacation time

·         Jesseca has been thru first 2 weeks of January

·         Tim Schleis will be helping work on vacation spots starting in 3rd week in January

·         If you have vacation time send Jesseca an email with dates -  they are working on different ways to get time covered.  Including temp employees, management, recruits independent days, and another other ways possible

·         Need to communicate vacation needs - If you have something priority that requires purchase let Jesseca now. Jesseca is very dedicated in getting it covered and is working hard.
(With that being said, please let Jared know if you any Vacation Shift Bid is turned down - Jared and Kooper would like to look at it. - Jared)

New hires

·         Posting closed yesterday

·         Changes to process

o   Additions to written test to include some multi-tasking

o   No longer doing BPads added a phone interview (not permanent change trying it out)  

o   Citizens Academy is now a requirement