Union meeting w/ Management 5/17/18
Attended by Ona Reker, Jesseca Mundahl, LeNora Giles, and
Jared Hoffman
Jesseca started meeting by saying they wanted to
get back in habit of touching base with union.
Discussed having meetings more regularly. If you have any concerns you want brought
forward be sure to tell me or Jared.
Breaks during in-service
A member had brought forward a concern as we
didn’t get a break during last in-service
Especially if working shift could be a long time
with no break
If ever need to go to bathroom / or stand up by
all means get up and go
Some other items discussed were taking a full 15
min break and in-service would start 1415 hours. On shift would be paid for full 2 hours. RDO – wouldn’t have to be to in-service
till 1415 and would only be paid for 1.75 hours.
Other options discussed were taking a shorter
break in middle of in-service.
Good discussion and agreed that the intent was
to give a break either prior to or during in-service.
Management also asked about having more
in-services. To make sure to have
enough time for training and different speakers. We expressed concern of more in-services
causing more time on calendar to be blocked for vacation. We requested that no other time be blocked
for vacation. In-service could be
scheduled without blocking time.
Other topics
Management was waiting on election of new mayor
and new commissioners (one will be new to the Metro board)
Ona will send out update on hiring process - had
large number of applicants.