Union Members,
A Few items we need to take care of that can’t wait till the
next meeting.
#1 As a Union we have
donated funds in the past to NTW. Last
year we donated 450.00.
I propose we do the same this year and donate 450.00 to
NTW. Please respond with a yes or no so
we can move forward on this.
#2 Please welcome new Union Members !!!
Jason Harris
Ashley Brown
Jon Christopherson
Victoria Snyder
WE are super happy they have joined our group. The office is currently out of new member
packets but should be getting more in.
I will get them to you as soon as I can. For old members these are new so if you
would like one please let me know.
#3 I am in need of a volunteer to assist on the Merger
Committee. Time commitment would be 1-2
hours once a month. I do not yet know
when meetings would be. Please let
myself or Jared know if you are interested.