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Tuesday, March 13, 2018


AFSCME 3516 
Metro Communications

Union Members,

A Few items we need to take care of that can’t wait till the next meeting.  

#1  As a Union we have donated funds in the past to NTW.   Last year we donated 450.00.  
I propose we do the same this year and donate 450.00 to NTW.   Please respond with a yes or no so we can move forward on this.  

#2 Please welcome new Union Members !!!
·         Jason Harris
·         Ashley Brown
·         Jon Christopherson
·         Victoria Snyder

WE are super happy they have joined our group.    The office is currently out of new member packets but should be getting more in.    I will get them to you as soon as I can.    For old members these are new so if you would like one please let me know.

#3 I am in need of a volunteer to assist on the Merger Committee.   Time commitment would be 1-2 hours once a month.   I do not yet know when meetings would be.   Please let myself or Jared know if you are interested.     
