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Saturday, April 22, 2017

Small rant and scheduling...

We have a small union. That is a fact. This is due to a variety of factors – lack of education, unmotivational leader, lack of unification, optimism on how nice the management council would be if we didn’t have a union (short term memory of other departments getting screwed), the fact people get to leech benefits for no cost. I can tell you that I have prevented an employee of getting fired. I can tell you that punishments are more level and documented when a union rep is there. I can tell you that management didn’t want to pay us for on-call, and there first official offer was $1 for the entire period of 4 hours - not $1 an hour, but $1 for the whole 4 hours. I can tell you that our sick policy would be chaos if we didn’t have a union, that it would only be applied based on favoritism. I can tell you we got more vacation for 2018 only because we have a union... But everyone at Metro gets that. Whether it is fair that Union members and charity receivers is a different debate, and doesn’t change the reality. I often say if Union membership goes 8 or below I am stepping down, or I am moving to dissolve it. Then we will see how nice Mayor Huether (or the next mayor who has to write a budget) is to employees under his care, without protections. If any of you have any ideas to get this wheel spinning more let me know. I don’t want people to feel that the union is pointless, because it isn’t.

So there is my small rant… but why? So after emphasizing the abstractness of the union that you have to trust me on, I have something concrete. The Union has direct member influence on the schedule.

Hopefully your shift representatives have spoken to you about the new schedule proposals. I have emphasized that a majority want to stay the same but move it back 1 hour. (If there something that has an obvious majority I have found it is go back to 0600-1400  1400-2200   2200-0600)

The schedules presented have a lot of contingency on having to have the contract change.

Article 5 Section 2 – Workweek – Our contract has 40 hour workweek for overtime computation, which is law. It also establishes are work week Monday through Sunday. This is something that an admin person wants to look at to lower amount of built in overtime in the schedule.

Definitions – On-Call… We have it defined as the period prior to the start of a regularly scheduled shift. All the proposed schedules want to change the time an employee is on call.

Article 4 Section 9 – On-Call Pay – Compensation for on-call right now is $2.50 an hour on call. There are talks of wanting to change that to .5-1 hour of ETO for a 4 hour period. Right now when we are called in for on-call we have guaranteed overtime. Management did not want that… and they still don’t. If we have a new schedule that has more people on-call one of the conditions given was they want to get rid of the guaranteed overtime. In order not stop all conversation I said the neutral “We will see what the members want” “That can possibly be arranged.”

So what it comes down to is… In order to directly change the contract the union decides. I feel the best way to handle it is a vote… but do we want a run-off vote where each options get points, do we want to flip a coin. Know that when a schedule is changed it is hard to change back.

Let me know people, I am not alone here.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I know it seems like forever ago but we finally got all responses back for the survey on scheduling...

Do you believe Metro’s schedule needs to change?
What we currently have: 8
What we have is not acceptable: 3
Skipped: 2

What we have currently is not great but we have a history of making things worse whenever we make changes. -NOliver

It sucks only having a small portion of weekends off – LSenst

I am fine with the current schedule, but would be open too new ideas – TWegner

I think what we have is good, and switching to a 10 or 12 hour rotation would be too hard. Adding a power shift, 11-1900 would be good though. – CSanchez

I believe what we have is a good balance of set days off and weekend days. I, of course, want the jail schedule, but that is not legally possible according to management. – JHoffman

2. We have to have a 40 hour work week. We are not exempt and our insurance bids are based on a 40 hour work week. If changes were to be made in Metro schedule how would you prioritize these changes?

10 hr shifts – 6
8 hour shifts with more rotations – 3
8 hours set – 2
I don’t want changes  - 2

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3. How do you feel about different start times?


I like set shifts – 7

Will not affect that much – 4

Independence – 2


If there is a change to start times, we should go back to changing at 0600, 1400, 2300.. it's becoming an officer safety issue with radio traffic – S Kennerly


Go back to 0600-1400, 1400-2200, 2200-0600 - TRust

I would like to go back to 0600-1400 but I don’t want to have to change again.  I know it sounds like I am contradicting myself.  If I had a choice I would work 0600-1400 but if that means making a major change then forget it.  I am tired of changing the schedule and talking about it.  – BDimercurio

4. Having experience diversity on shifts is something some people feel strong about. Too many divisions and it actually conflicts with seniority. In the past we have had division of x<1,  x<2,  ACO,  Supervisors. (The less than 2 years was an understanding as our contract has probation employees and non-probation employees.) Do you think that is adequate?

We should add more divisions – 3

We should stay – 5

Eliminate divisions – 3



ACOs should be on the same level as standard operators with regards to seniority. – NOliver

there needs to be more experienced operators spread divided out among the shifts.. there is no reason to stack A shift with 50 years experience and C shift with 2 days experience – SKennerly

The more divisions there are the more seniority is compromised. Someday it will affect everyone. – JHoffman

5. We know the comittee will present stuff, but is there other things can you think of when comes to scheduling?


LEAVE IT ALONE - BDimercurio

I am joining the committee so hopefully we can do something that will satisfy the most people. – JHoffman

Go back to the 0600, 1400, 2200 start times. 8 hour shifts. – TRust

Our scheduling should take metro employees into account to a greater degree than outside agencies. - NOliver

So there you have it... I think what we have is the winner with try for 10s in 2nd place. The general feel I get is "We don't hate what we have, going back an hour would be nice, but I fear we will screw it up more if we change it." -- Feel free to comment. I am sure the committee will send out more trying to get more information...