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Thursday, December 22, 2016

Long one but good

Good day all.
The survey results are in. Thanks to all who responded.

In ranking the importance vacation, COLA took 1st and 2nd place (place then how many people voted).
1 – Vacation Leave (1st 3, 2nd 5, 3rd 1, 4th 1)
2 – COLA (1st 3, 2nd 4, 3rd 3, 4th 0)
3 – General Pay (1st 3, 2nd 1, 3rd 5, 4th 1)
4 – Uniform (1st 1, 2nd 0, 3rd 1, 4th 8)

For cost of living adjustment 1.6 is acceptable but ask for more knowing they will probably go low.
1.6 acceptable – 3
Go for More – 3
No 0 – 1
Other – 3
Go for more… but is acceptable LGiles
Go for more – RLogan
Ask for more with the exception that we would probably get around the 1.5 but start at 3+  -LSenst

A majority feels our uniform policy is just right

It is just right – 7
It is too undefined – 2
Other – 1

I do not want it to change. Those who choose to wear articles of clothing that don't fit should be dealt with on a case by case basis – Bdimercurio

Our vacation is currently acceptable, but people want more.

Leave it -3
Switch to PTO – 2
Go for more – 2
Other – 3

Switch to PTO and go for MORE!! – LSenst
If continue the ETO program it is acceptable.. if that were to go away i would say go for more – Lgiles
Go for more or switch to pto – Rlogan

A majority of us feel we are paid competitively…

We are paid competitively – 6
We are not paid competitively – 0
Neutral – 2
Other – 2

I think we are paid ok, but I think when you factor in the lack of vacation/pto/eto/sick, I think we need to increase one or the other. – LSenst

When the starting wage for new Operators is adjusted, the wage of current operators should be adjusted to match the change. – BDimercurio

Thoughts on shift

More staffing is always better... but need to justify it... for money reasons. would be nice to have minimum of 8 at all times... just not sure can afford it ... I think better than previous years... – LGiles

It is great having enough people to staff without forcing overtime. Also great to be able to take vacation on short notice without being denied due to staffing. I could see staffing level increase by +1 for all shifts with the number of people employed. Running at Functional Minimum is always stressful. – JPudas

I think we need to switch to 12/10 hours to allow every other weekend off. This would eliminate alot of people's vacation time as it seems like weekends are our big ticket time to get off. – LSenst

After working both unstaffed shifts and staffed shifts I really prefer staffed shifts!! it would be nice to make sure B shift never drops below 9 and I think C shift should never drop below 8, I feel bad for them on the nights they work with 6.. I think it's unsafe and stressful. – SKennerly

B shift needs more people. Alot of us would like to go back to 2p to 10p or go to 12 hour shifts. I think seniority needs to be spread more across shifts. There should be shift bid with increments of 5 years so it spreads it out. – JMcCart

B is the worst. All summer you are pretty much a minimums, unable to use ETO/Vacation yourself when you get spread thin. And its the most busy, you get burnt out fast. Need to staff up during summer months. – BMorrow

We need to train people to just take calls. Some people who have gone through the training process are great at taking calls but not so good at dispatching. We need to consider hiring just call takers. – BDimercurio

As far as staffing goes I think we are good to go. As for the shifts, the supervisors need to do more to keep the peace, or real in the hostility. Not really a union issue. – CSanchez

This is a small box for all my thoughts. I think B shift should get the shift differential. I would like the same schedule as MCSO/County Jail. – JHoffman

Need more staffing, I am pretty open to shifts as long as I get weekends periodically – RLogan

So there you have you it with the current survey. Vacation leave is the number one priority and then COLA.
The cooperation meeting on Thursday went well. LeNora, Paul, Jesseca, and myself spoke about a timeline for negotiations. There was some confusion on hour adjust of whether or not hour adjust is guaranteed, and if the person should be offered the time for a vacancy 1st or hour adjust should be canceled. A paragraph in the new policy will be rewritten to clarify.

Another thing spoken about is schedule hours worked. A lot of feedback was given on the floor about how late shift bid was this year and we would like to avoid that next year. Any changes to shift bid itself will be done in May/June. Faber has approached Jesseca about trying his proposal for 2018 start talking in January. Shift bid will hopefully be DONE before the end of October with vacation in November. (I would like to put forward that the Union should get to vote on major schedule changes that affect the whole center but will get feedback from you guys before moving forward with that.)

LeNora has accepted the position of Vice President. I have accepted the position of President. Craig Sanchez has accepted treasurer.

Union dues are going up for 2017 after not going up for 3 years to $23.60 per pay period.

Next focus will be vacation leave (the number 1 chosen), questions about shift incentive (it is a contract issue) I may send out another survey. For encouraging discussion it will not be anonymous. Feel free to put comments here - though an email to me letting me know you did would be good as well.