Hello Afscme 3516,
First of all I would like to thank our newest members –
Dustin Odegard, Brandi Morrow, and Craig Sanchez for joining. As we go forward
we are going to have negotiations in 2017 as well as a possible legislation presentation
if we are reclassified. Fresh ideas are good.
As you are all aware the survey was to be completed yesterday and responses
have been totaled. Remember I select the surveys as anonymous so I do not know how everyone voted, or who left comments.
Do you feel Safe Outside of Metro Communications on the
Yes – 8
No – 4
Other – 1
Comment left:
There are often times where there are transients outside. I personally feel safe because i'm trained in self defense but I know some other people - especially the females - have had times where they feel unsafe in the parking lot due to transients and intoxicated subjects.
Do you feel safe WITHIN Metro Communications?
Yes - 11
No - 2
No Comments left.
Do you feel comfortable with guns in Metro Communications?
Yes - 6
No - 6
Other- 1
Comments left:
I feel safe with the option of a LOCKBOX that people could carry their guns inside and then lockt hem up while on duty here. But I do NOT feel safe with people carrying them while on duty inside metro. There are too many people with minimum gun safety experience who still carry guns. I feel that it will become more of a "show and tell thing" for some co workers who want to just show off their guns to eachother. If its truly for safety and if someone were to open fire INSIDE metro...having a lock box in the break room or managment area would be close enough for someone to go get their firearm.
i think it should be a personal option since pd/deputies carry their duty weapon on them when they visit (not lodging at jail)
LE Only
We have a comfortable workplace and I think guns would turn into a game of show and tell. Some people are paranoid about weapons, like it or not. Lockboxes do not add any security as going to get a weapon, if an active shooter came here, would take to much time and would add to confusion of uniformed responders coming in. If we had a uniform then I would be more comfortable with lockboxes.
Do you feel Afscme 3516 should support guns within Metro Communications?
Yes - 3
No - 8
Abstain - 2
Comments left:
If they were to allow a lockbox of sort so no one was carrying guns on their person while working - i would be okay with it. I dont see the need for people to carry their guns on their waist while at work. I feel it will become more of a showing off thing instead of a safety thing.
I do not have a strong opinion either way.
I am ambivalent, maybe have a lockbox or something.
i don't think the union needs to be involved in this, it's a management issue
Leave them in the car
So there you have it, the official stance of Afscme 3516 is not supporting guns in Metro. If there is enough support we may send another survey out about lock-boxes, but as of right now it is an issue you can speak to Supervisor/Office admin about it. I have no idea where the lock-boxes are.
(Hoffman note: I do not own a handgun so have no personal pony in this, if someone happens to have an extra glock... :P )
Thank you all for voting, and for your comments. I appreciate them all.
Any questions let me know. - Jared