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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Union Election News

Bob and Jared verified voting results, and that Survey Monkey is anonymous. Jared was elected to be President for 2016.

Lenora Giles will be VP for 2016.

With the question Communication between Senior Leaders and Employees is good in my organization.

33.33% Disagree
16.67% Neutral
50%  Agree or Strongly Agree

This is something I would like to work on. We will see how 2016 shapes with the new committees.

With the question "I feel completely involve in my work"

50% Disagree
16.67% Nuetral
33.33% Agree or Strongly Disagree

I would like Metro to feel connected to us. I would like decisions in Metro to be logical and consistent.

In other news, cost of living negotiations are coming up. The year end summary of 2015 was .7 CPI increase. If we get above that then we are ahead. We got 3 percent last year, along with starting wage increase, and you may have forget, 2.5 percent the year before. So we have had 2 strong years.

I am currently looking into when Trade was changed to not count towards hours worked, if any of you have an announcement prior to the procedure manual 100 change please forward it to me.
