Union Coop Meeting 11-10-15
Attending – Union - Jared Hoffman,
LeNora Giles
Metro Management – Daren Ketcham, Ona
Topic – Social Media Policy
Much discussion
on the new social media policy and
giving password / access to accounts when requested by management
There have been
some instances where employees posted inappropriate posts identifying
themselves as dispatchers and providing confidential information
Intent of policy
§ Understood no fishing expeditions
§ Employee has to be under investigation
§ Management will be looking for specific information
explained in writing to employee prior to looking on site
§ Even when under investigation passwords may not be
asked for - You will be asked to log in
and show the incident
2016 shift change
will be Monday January 4th
2017 shift change
will be Monday January 2nd
-Management shows interest in switching to PTO time
Discuss with
members pros/cons about PTO time
Changing max
vacation allowance carried over – possibly 480 to match FMLA
New accrual
Increase in
insurance - discussed at benefit fair,
metro still shopping to make sure best deal -
Dakota Care will continue the Great Life memberships for 2016.
Discussed paying
for Christmas Eve - Daren will not know until the December Council meeting on
12/16/15 but it will be requested. We were paid 8 hours last year.
-Wage Opener – reminder to send notification of Wage
opener in January.