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Monday, December 29, 2014

12-22-2014 Minutes

Union Meeting

Monday December 22, 2014

Attendance 12:30:
Jared Hoffman, Stephanie Kennerly

Attendance 18:00:  Jared Hoffman, Michael Mettler
New Members:         Luke Senst

Members Leaving:   Kara Mikkelsen, Brandy Teft

Meetings will move to 4th Wednesdays at 1200/1800 until April 2015’s shift change.

There will be a CoOp meeting on December 29, 2014; Some discussion topics will be:

Paramedics Plus

EMD for Private Pages

Variances for time delays

With the new Non EMD call standards Metro will be working with SFPD to narrow down important call types for notifying a supervisor.  They are trying to get down to seven priority call types that need immediate notifications.  With this, a new filter may be put into place for a High/Low Priority

Cost of Living increase negotiations will begin in March 2015.
A discipline hearing was held for a union member regarding sick leave. Want to remind people that when you call in sick just advise you are calling in sick and keep other information to minimal.

Minnesota and South Dakota’s union has merged; therefore Nathan Rahm is the new head of our division. Due to this merge our Union dues are slated to go up, and at meeting discussed to the rate of $ 22.50 per pay period. This should be the last raise for the foreseeable future. 
Other things discussed

 A suggestion for new recruits to help with retention of policy that may differ from shift to shift is to have new employees rotate shifts every 3-4 months for the first year of being on the floor working on their own.
Discussions of hiring only for B shift and with this giving shift differential pay to B shift employees only (1500-2300).  This may help retention and interest for supervisors for B shift as well as other B shift employees.

Flower Funds:
A proposal was made to start a flower fund with a gift from the union to start, and then have operators volunteer to have a small amount taken out of checks for authorized events. This fund would likely be controlled by Metro Management.