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Sunday, November 2, 2014


Meeting and Cooperation Meeting Minutes

Union Meeting notes     Meeting 10-21-14      1800 hours



Members Present

President – Mike Mettler
Vice President – LeNora Giles



AFSCME International Rep

Justin Faber – MCA employee





·         Joseph Pudas (member) had vacation on telestaff which was approved and then changed to PMA (pending management approval) and now is denied.    Changed due to use of hours elsewhere but would still have enough time accrued by the time vacation was to be used.   

o   Email will be sent to MCA management to have a meeting to discuss

o   Cooperation meeting held with AFSCME President and Vice-President. Management had decided to grant the time back to Joseph Pudas.



·         Employees miss the round table discussions that used to be held w/ management at In-Services -  a chance for employees to be heard


·         Membership numbers are down 


o   We lost Dave Roe and Chris Gruhlke

o   Non union members have been invited to come to a meeting to be encouraged to join the union

o   Discussion on strength of union comes from its members.   

o   National rep -   stated several times

§  How many people do we have

§  What are we willing to do

o   Discussed ways to encourage membership to make for a strong local

o   This meeting was to be for nominations which will continue for the next week. 

o   We will be inviting employees to a special meeting – date to be determined – to be held at Pizza ranch in private room to discuss membership, nominations, and participation in union.    Motion was made and passed to appropriate 200.00  towards the cost of dinner.   

·         Nominations  are now open for the following

o   President

o   Vice President

o   Secretary

o   Treasurer

o   Steward A shift

o   Steward B shift

o   Steward C shift

o   2 board members

§  Bob DiMercurio is on board not up for reelection

 Nominations have been left open until such time as the meeting at Pizza Ranch can be scheduled.


·         Mettler presented the bill for printing of the Union Contract to be paid $46.75. 



·         If anyone has contact names for employees with Rural Metro -   National representative looking for contacts to speak with employees about organizing


·         M.A.T  - Membership Action Team


o   A communication tree to get information organized

§  Shows the union is organized and has unity

o   To be used on events which are

§  Widely felt

§  Winnable

o   Nathan (the new local rep)  can train subjects on how MAT works