On 09-02-14 Lenora Giles and Michael Mettler met with Daren Ketchum, Jennifer Disburg, and Ona Reker.
- It was agreed that the ACO would be hired in time for them to bid shift. They are looking to hire 3 operators on A shift 3 for B shift and 2 for C shift. Job description as well as expectation will be posted along with the new positions. Job should post on the same day as next year’s bid. Effective date for hire in changing over from CTO to ACO is still TBD. As all promoted to ACO will have the same promotion date seniority will fall back to agency seniority.
- 2015 Schedule should be posted as of 10-01-14. This will have ACO positions included. The expected movement of the schedule will be Oct 20-27th supervisors will bid, Oct 28-Nov 3rd ACO, and Nov 4-17th operators. Vacation bid will be from December 1-15th .
- The on call schedule will be tied to the shift bid. The on call day should fall in the middle of the employees work week. On call time can be traded, however this is still being worked out. It may be like regular trade time or may be a complete trade in which the on call person will receive the benefit. Still working on Telestaff to possibly preload the on call schedule onto it everything was still a work in progress. Expect by shift bid that most of the information should be settled.
- Rotating RDO’s are here to stay for the time being. Trades and movement that occurred last year will again be allowed this year.
- Great concern was raised over the treatment of one of our members in being called into work from a non work site during hours on duty. LeNora Giles spoke on this position advising that the concern is that by removing the employee from the event they had signed up for, and making them come into work they created the expectation and a fear that would prevent future employees from signing up for events. Management said that this was an exigent circumstance, and it required the supervisor to act to keep his number from falling below minimum staffing. This was an isolated incident and does not happen on a regular basis. In the future the on call schedule will hopefully lead to situations where this is no longer a problem, but a guarantee could not be made that a similar circumstance could lead to an operator being told to return to the center and work. The center is priority and must remain staffed.
- Elections are coming up. 15 days notice is being given the we will start accepting nominations fall all officer positions, as well as several others. Nominations will begin 10-21-14 and end the following Friday 10-24-14.