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Friday, June 27, 2014


Hey everyone,

At the last meeting Mike and I talked about ways to spend some of the cash in the bank for union members. We both liked the idea of shirts, and decided to look around and see what the internet had to offer. We found a site that specifically customizes apparel for labor unions and they have a few good designs. The full list is here but I picked out a few below.

09-012 afscme   12-826 AFSCME
12-825 AFSCME   10-176 afscme
Send your thoughts to Mike or myself - if you can find a design you like here or elsewhere, bring it with you to the next meeting.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Next Meeting

Hey folks,

The next Union meeting will take place at the Labor Temple on 6/25, 12:30 and 18:00. Mike and I have been mulling over ideas on how to spend the money we've got sitting in the bank - bring your ideas, as well as feedback from contract negotiations and anything else that's on your mind.

Any other questions, see Mike.


Saturday, June 7, 2014

Voting & Next Meeting

Hey folks,

On Thursday, 6/12 we'll begin voting yay/nay on the contract. The vote will be a during-work vote, with times beginning in the morning at 06:00 and ending at 18:00. If it's your day off and you wish to vote, please take a moment to stop in during those times or indicate your vote to another member so that they might cast it for you. If you have questions, see Mike.

The next meetings will take place on 6/25 at 12:30 and 18:00 in the labor temple.

